Government Titumir College is one of the largest undergraduate and postgraduate teaching institutions in the country in terms of student population. A dynamic website can play a vital role in ensuring the information services required by this large number of students, parents and alumni and establishing close ties with the college administration. At the same time, this web portal is also playing a role in simplifying the process of student admission, form fillup and fees submission. Besides, students can collect admission information, scholarships, syllabus and even class lectures from this web portal.


The extent to which an educational institution is committed to providing citizen services can be gauged by how easily the institution is able to communicate the necessary information to its stakeholders. I believe that Government Titumir College will go a long way in establishing good governance by opening new web portal and will play a leading role in building ‘Smart Bangladesh’ of the current government.


Since the Government Titumir College was affiliated to Dhaka University in 2017 with the kind intention of the Honorable Prime Minister, the way to ensure quality education has progressed a lot. At this moment, our main responsibility is to develop skilled human resources suitable for facing the fourth industrial revolution in the era of globalization. Our more than two hundred teachers are working tirelessly to achieve that goal. It is hoped that the students of Titumir College will rise to the leading level of the society by participating in their regular academic activities as well as acquiring other timely skills.


I wish all the members of Titumir College family and countrymen as well.